Svevo Digital Archive: the missing part

For Svevo digital archive, I have not yet written the protocol for encoding Svevo manuscript in xml because of lack of time.

The analyses with “R” software are proceeding slowly. This is partly due to the lack of time too and partly to the problem faced while testing SA package Syuzhet using an emotional lexicon in Italian language.

As already communicated to Professor Raines, the data mining with sw “R” on the texts of Svevo personal library has to be screened out from the project work: the digital acquisition of these texts has not been implemented, because the scanner at the Public library in Trieste has revealed to be completely inadequate to scan the documents and this problem cannot be solved.

Despite these problems, I am strongly determined to bring the project to completion, but I need more time to do so. I hope that the Director of the Master and the rest of the teaching staff will give me this opportunity.